Monday, March 12, 2012

A Sweet Little Gift from Aunt CeCe!

I'll try to make a long story short. 

A couple of weeks ago, Matt's Aunt Cece emailed me, asking if I had received a package in the mail.
Me? Not report a package?! Never. As you know, I LOVE getting mail! 
So, no, I had not.

Obviously she seemed annoyed (as anyone would if the US Post office lost their package) and asked me to notify her if and when we got it. I told my mother-in-law about the situation and she called me back with, "I am sick to my stomach over Cece's lost package. She hand made you something, and it tool a lot of time. I really hope it shows up." 

Now, anxious to get this thing, and peeved myself that the post office could be so irresponsible (didn't they know the package was for a hormonal pregnant girl) I crossed my fingers in hopes that this package would show up.

Then, this week, Cece called me. 
"You'll never guess what showed up in my mail box?!"
"THE Package!"
"I am going to send it back to you, hopefully it gets there!"

(Apparently they had tried to deliver the package, didn't leave a "tried to deliver" slip, and took the package back to the post office. It was there THE WHOLE TIME! So they mailed it back to her.)

Thursday came and I got home from work (at my normal time of arrival) and for one time in the mail man's life, he delivered our mail early! I MISSED HIM?!)

And guess where the package went? 
Yep. Back to the post office. 
I am not talking about the post office that is one block from my house.
No, I am talking about the one located 8 miles away.

Okay, so Friday after work I drove to the post office, presented my ID, and they handed me my long awaited package.

Of course, I ripped it open AS SOON AS I got in the car!
And look what was inside!?!

A precious crocheted toy basket filled with hand made toys for Baby P!
It was well worth the wait!

1. A Fish; 2. A Goose; 3. Baby Birds; 4. An Owl; 5. A Dog;
6. A Cupcake; 7. A Star; 8. A Duck; 9. A Duck; 10. A Banana

How stinkin cute is this whole thing?! I was blown away.
When I got home, Matt could not believe the time she had put in to this gift for us!
So special!
Thank you so much Aunt Cece! 
We can not wait for Baby to play with these!

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