Sunday, March 18, 2012

34 Weeks!

What a good, eventful week!

Monday: I got to sleep in until 12 PM! Wow.
I try really hard to take advantage of these days because I know there are not going to be many more of them in my near future. So, sleep it is.

Tuesday: We had our 34 week OBGYN appointment!
Let me tell you. It was a good one.
Hubby got to come along [this was his last one to attend before baby arrives]!
We found out that Baby P is in POSITION!
He is healthy, growing, and anxious to get out!
I am making my way towards labor...
[Sorry guys] I am already 1/2 CM dilated!? 
I know that you can go for weeks, dilated, without anything happening... 
but its SO cool to think about!
And we took a mini tour of the hospital and registered for labor and delivery already!
We. Are. Ready.

I had to work.
I came home and napped my sadness away.
[I love naps]

Thursday: I worked.
Mom came to town. 
We shopped.
We ate Mexican food with Krysta!

Friday: I worked.
Mom [Spring] cleaned our ENTIRE house. 
What would I do with out her? 
I mean, she did it all.
Pure Bliss.
And sister mowed the back yard.
I am so lucky to have such great help.
Erika [other sister] came in town.
We almost finished an entire MoMo's pizza.
Kirsten came in town.
We all "hen pecked" [as Matt would say] or talked.
I crashed.

Saturday: Mom and Sisters threw me an amazing,
"Mustache" themed baby shower. 
[the problem with having your friends in a million different cities, 
you can never get them all in the same spot at the same time]
They did SUCH an amazing job. 
Everything was so beautiful. 
I have such a loving, supportive family...
and amazing friends.
We headed to downtown Tallahassee,
for a St. Patty's day festival.
And as a thank you for the shower, 
I DD'd for the night.
Yes. I watched them drink cold beer while I drank a soda water.

Sunday: I slept until 11 AM!
Shopped with Kirsten.
Antique/Vintage shopped with Mom and Krysta.
Ate a delicious black bean burrito at Monks.
Mom left :(
Sister went on an hour long walk.
We ate tortellini with vegetables.
We watched Garden State.
We ate candy.
And we relaxed in our clean, quiet, peaceful home.

I still can not wrap my mind around the fact
 that I only have 6 weeks left of being pregnant.
I am so grateful for such a smooth, uneventful pregnancy.
And if you ask me now, I will tell you I am ready to be done with this! 
But there is something magical about the relationship and bond the two of us [Baby]
have already formed.
I love that I am the only one who knows exactly when he is moving.
When he is hiccuping.
And when he takes his sweet little naps.
I think when this pregnancy is all said and done, 
I might miss this feeling just a little bit.

Here it is, 34 Weeks.
My Pregnancy This Week

Hello from BabyCenter!
Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like youraverage cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers – which she'll need to regulate her body temperature once she's born – are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to matureas well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.>> Read more about this week
Your baby at 34 weeks
Picture of your developing baby
Your baby's lungs are well developed.
>> See the big picture: 34 weeks

      Week 34


pregnancy calendarYour Baby:
  • Weighs as much as your average cantaloupe (4.75 pounds-ish) and is almost 18 inches long.
  • Reaching the 34-week mark is a big milestone for anyone concerned about pre-term labor, as babies born at this stage usually do just fine (provided they’re otherwise healthy). Other than a slightly longer stay at the hospital, they generally don’t experience any of the long-term health problems that prematurity can cause.
  • That said, don’t let your baby go and get any big ideas about escaping just yet. More baby fat and a few more weeks of lung maturity will still make everybody’s lives easier.
  • Fatigue, heartburn, nausea, frequent trips to the bathroom. It’s like the Return of the First Trimester, only much bigger and rounder and gruntier.
  • Don’t forget to do your Kegel exercises, not only in preparation for childbirth but also to stop the unfortunate peeing-when-you-laugh-or-sneeze phenomenon, which can get pretty out of hand in these final weeks.

    How far along?: 34 Weeks; 6 Days
    Total weight gain/loss: +24 pounds.
    Maternity clothes?: Trying to imagine wearing my normal clothes again. 
    Stretch marks?: No Sir!
    Sleep: I love it so much. 
    Best moment this week: Having my mom, sisters, and Kirsten around for
    such a great weekend. They really took my mind off of Matt's departure. 
    Miss Anything?: Running fast. Two piece bathing suits. Cold beer. Wine.
    Movement: TONS! He put on a show this weekend for everyone.
    Food cravings: This week: FRUIT. I can not get enough grapes or strawberries.
    Anything making you queasy or sick: No, just strong smells.
    Have you started to show yet: Yes. I stuck out like a sore thumb at the 
    St. Patty's day fest this weekend. And I bump in to everything.
    Gender: B.O.Y
    Labor Signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks. Dilated 1/2 CM! 
    Belly Button in or out?: OUT.
    Wedding rings on or off?: On.
    Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. A little sad this week when Matt left,
    but now I am concentrating on his arrival, because that will mean baby is on the way!
    Looking forward to: Seeing what this little man looks like.
    Still working?: Yes

    Still Running?: Kind of. Jane [Midwife] said to slow it down or else baby may 
    showup before we need him to.
    How many days this week?: 3 Days
    Total Mileage: 10 Miles

    Until Next Time,

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