Thursday, December 29, 2011

23 Weeks!

17 Weeks to Go.
And I feel huge. 
Apparently baby boy has decided to expand and grow quicker than I could have imagined. I am telling you, I am significantly bigger than I was last week. And I have four nieces who reconfirm everyday that "the belly has definitely grown." Matt smiles every time I put on my pjs, while getting ready for bed. I know, like me, he can not believe that this is really happening. It makes my heart smile to know he enjoys the changes as much as I do.

One of my favorite things about this holiday vacation is being able to spend time with our nieces. There is something beautiful and validating about the girls greeting both me and "baby" at the start of every new day. We disclosed some name ideas with both of our families (secret for now) and the little girls address my belly as their "new baby cousin *insert name here*". Each one of them has told me that they "love him so much"; It's really endearing.

This is the 23rd week; 17 weeks to go.
Time is flying by.
Here's what's going to happen:
Jan 6th: We return to FL.
Jan 28th: My Birthday
Mid Jan - Beginning of March: Go Radio in the studio
March - May: Go Radio on Tour
March 30th: Matt's 30th Birthday!!
April 23rd: DUE DATE

I know, by the way life always goes... the time is going to pass before we know it and then Matt and I will be parents.

My Pregnancy This Week

Hello from BabyCenter!
Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby'sincreasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.>> Read more about this week

Your baby at 23 weeks
Picture of your developing baby
Dance around – your baby may be able to feel you move.


      Week 23

week by week pregnancyYour Baby:
  • Is a tad bigger than last week! Are you sensing a pattern! Goodness, I never realized how boring this stretch of pregnancy is, what with the “close to a pound, just over a pound, 11 inches long, 11 2/3 inches long” comparisons week after week.
  • The pancreas is kicking into gear sometime around this week, and blood vessels continue to develop in the lungs. Lung development is a Big Thing right now, since babies born around 24 weeks gestation can often survive outside the womb. 23 weeks is pretty questionable, and 24 weeks certainly isn’t a peachy keen time to be born or anything, but still. If you’re the morbid sort who gets a tiny bit of comfort knowing that your baby has a fighting chance If Something Terrible Were To Happen, well, there you go.

I thought this picture was super appropriate.

My beautiful nieces embracing a beautiful time.
How far along?: 23 Weeks; 4 Days
Total weight gain/loss: We can talk about it after 
Maternity clothes?: Just one pair of Maternity Jeans. 
Stretch marks?: Nope!
Sleep: Really well. 
Best moment this week: Looking "Really Pregnant."
Miss Anything?: My energy level pre-pregnancy.
Movement: Baby is doing kick boxing in there.
Food cravings: CHEESE!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Driving 
through the majestic Montana mountains.
Have you started to show yet: Well, strangers are 
starting to smile at me, so if not... then that is really 
Gender: B.O.Y.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out?: Flat!
Wedding rings on or off?: On and loose.
Happy or Moody most of the time: So Happy. 
So Blessed. So Tired.
Looking forward to: Fixing up the nursery!

Until Next time,

Monday, December 26, 2011

22 Weeks!

I could not be happier. I have spent another great Christmas with my in-laws, my belly is more full than I planned, and I am sitting here, 22 weeks pregnant, beside my amazing husband. Christmas day was awesome. Spent in the company of my in-laws and nieces, we opened presents and ate great food. Now, we are decompressing on the couch after a day of complete joyous chaos. We arrived in Montana this Wednesday, December 21st, and have been catching up with Matt's family ever since. Our tradition is to spend Christmas with his parents and sisters every other year, while spending the opposite years in Plant City with my family. Normally, when we come to Montana, I freeze my butt off. The weather has been amazing this year.
Before we left Tallahassee, to head to Montana, Matt and I had another OBGYN appointment. Our midwife said everything looked great and I had even lost a pound! Don't worry... I am sure I gained that one pound back tonight. I am serious... I feel like I'm about to pop. She also said baby is doing well and I am measuring on time (22 centimeters for 22 weeks... and so on and so forth). We then drove down to Tampa to spend a day with my family before we flew out to the great West. When Wednesday morning rolled around, Matt and I were so excited to leave. In fact, I could hardly sleep the night before. As we got in the car and made the drive to the airport, I realized I had forgotten the most important article of clothing... my coat. Awesome. This is totally like me, too. Ehhh.. whatever, I just figured this baby would insulate me enough. 

Baby Poulos made out like a bandit this Christmas!
I did not do so badly myself, either. 
Locket from Matt's parents.
Baby husband (left); Big boy husband (right)
New camera from my amazing husband!
...1,000,000,000 pictures of baby. 

So, I am 22 weeks! I really can not believe it. 
I am almost done with the second trimester and I am really close to being six months pregnant! 
Unbelievable. Where has the time gone? 
Baby this week...
My Pregnancy This Week

Hello from BabyCenter!
At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.>> Read more about this week

Your baby at 22 weeks
Picture of your developing baby
Tooth buds (for baby and adult teeth) are in place now.

,     Week 22


by Amalah
week by week pregnancyYour Baby:
  • Is about 11 inches long, which is just about one inch shorter than your average 12-inch ruler.
  • Has likely crossed the one-pound mark in weight.
  • Is getting more defined facial features every day, and already looks unmistakably like himself or herself on a 3D ultrasound.
  • Are gaining about a pound a week now, if you happen to be one of those rare creatures whose weight gain lines up with the books and calendars.
  • May find yourself ravenously hungry at odd times during the day — the middle of the afternoon, after dinner or even in the middle of the night. Blah blah nutrient-rich protein-heavy snacks like nuts and things blah. Me, I’m going with calcium-rich milkshakes, thanks.
  • Continue to be that pregnancy-patented mix of moods and emotions. Blissfully happy and belly-rubbing one minute, wracked with anxiety and worry the next. Affectionately hoping your baby looks just like your partner one minute, hating their damn guts and ass face the next. Rawr.

How far along?: 22 Weeks; 6 Days
Total weight gain/loss: +15 Lbs.
Maternity clothes?: Bought my first pair of maternity 
jeans this week!.... they're AMAZING. Lol
Stretch marks?: Nope!
Sleep: Really well. Love snuggling up to Matt and 
feeling baby kick. 
Best moment this week: Having the in-laws and 
nieces feel the baby kick!
Miss Anything?: My skinny jeans. :)
Movement: Lots of kicks and squirms!
Food cravings: CHEESE!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Well, the 
plane ride was not the smoothest. I normally get motion 
sickness, this time I DEFINITELY had it. 
Have you started to show yet: Ha.
Gender: B.O.Y.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out?: Flat!
Wedding rings on or off?: On and loose.
Happy or Moody most of the time: The happiest. 
Looking forward to: Fixing up the nursery!

I love being at Matt's parent's house because 
I find little gems like these. 
Matt's parents gave Matt's baby book this week also... 
I adore it. 
It is so amazing, and if you have not been in the 
situation or are not in it now... 
you will know one day,  
one of the most amazing feelings is being pregnant 
and looking through your husband's (wife's) baby pictures 
and baby records. 
It makes waiting for baby that much more precious. 
I just can not believe I am going to have one of these 
little guys running around all of the time. 
I can't wait to spend every moment with my little Matt Jr. 

Well. I think we are calling it a night; 
another successful Christmas down. 
From our home to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas. 
We are thankful for the friends and family in our lives 
and for the constant support we are given. 
May all of your wishes come true for the end of 2011 and into the new year. 

Until Next Week, 
Happy Holidays from the Poulos Family.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

21 Weeks!

Well, I am a week behind. 
Sorry for the slack, but have you ever noticed how the Christmas holiday slowly creeps up and takes over the entirety of everyone's life? It definitely has to mine. Matt and I have been so busy ever since he returned home from tour (I am not complaining, I do appreciate how this pregnancy is flying by... especially since all I want to do is hold our little ball of baby rolls). But this was both of our last week at work before we could enjoy the Christmas holiday. And as you can probably imagine, we had a laundry list of things to accomplish before we could finally sit and veg out on the couch. 

This week was also our one year anniversary! I still can not believe that we have only been married for one year. Though we met in 2007, it feels like it has been forever... in a good way. We were talking about how thankful we are to be in the situation we are... married to each other and our first born son on the way!? Life is anything but boring and I have a feeling it is about to get so much more complex. We celebrated with a day together and a date night at Bonefish. Then of course we saved room for our new favorite, frozen yogurt. Hey, pregnant girl's gotta have fun too. Matt was super thoughtful and even surprised me with gerber daisies, B.O.G.O Kettle cooked Salt and Vinegar AND Cheddar and Sour Cream potato chips and a non alcoholic beer. Cheers, honey.

This week the belly is definitely poking out. In my running clothes, from the side, I look hilarious. My body is about the same proportions but my stomach is poking out like I swallowed a watermelon whole. I know baby is growing so rapidly because I can feel the tension in my ligaments and strain when I stand up too quickly. Also, he is moving around like crazy! So much, to the point, where if I don't feel him (at nights mostly) I get kind of paranoid and usually chug a glass of cold water to wake him up a bit. Just the reassurance that he is kicking makes me feel so much better. Man, I guess you could say motherly instincts. 
Also this week, we received this cute little boho outfit from Aunt Kirsten! I wish you could see the pants better... they are to die for. I think a pair of baby TOMS will be perfect for this little duo. Thanks Auntie! 

Well, like I said. I am a week behind. I know this is a post for 21 weeks. I am actually 22 weeks a of today (December 19, 2011). Hopefully I will be able to post on time this week so that my progress stays on track. Matt and I are headed to Montana for two weeks, so preggo pictures will have to be taken there (as the chalk board could obviously not come with). We'll think of something creative though!

My Pregnancy This Week

Hello from BabyCenter!
Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.>> Read more about this week

Quick Clicks
• How's your maternal instinct?
• Are you at risk for fifth disease?
• What it means if you're measuring large or small
• Four chores to avoid now

Overheard in your birth club
"I'm at 21 weeks and I've never felt healthier, except my back and feet are killing me. It'll all be worth it when I hold my baby for the first time." – Amy

Your baby at 21 weeks
Picture of your developing baby
Eyebrows are growing in.

     Week 21


by Amalah
week by week pregnancyYour Baby:
  • Is about 10 1/2 inches long, head to toe.
  • Passes time by sucking his or her thumb and even opening and closing his or her eyes. And you know, elbowing you in the vital organs.
  • Is like, kicking for serious now, and the movements cannot only be felt from the outside, they can often be seen. Lie on your back and watch the weird ripples and dips of baby limbs. (For the full Jurassic Park effect, do this in the tub and watch the water rings vibrate out from your belly.)
  • Are possibly getting accosted in public with unsolicited belly rubs and unsolicited pregnancy advice. I’m not sure which is more annoying.
  • Oh, so THREE of the pregnancy books I use to compile these bullet thingies mentioned that we should all be feeling downright awesome and fabulous right now. Not too big and uncomfortable, lots of energy, able to sleep through the night without peeing, etc. If that describes you, well…LA DEE FRICKING DA. HOW LOVELY THAT MUST BE FOR YOU.

How far along?: 21 Weeks; 6 Days
Total weight gain/loss: +16 Lbs.
Maternity clothes?: Um.... I definitely should be. 
My jeans are definitely snug. 
Stretch marks?: Nope!
Sleep: Well, considering I roll over 15 times a night.... 
pretty good. 
Best moment this week: Finishing work to start our 
Christmas vacation!
Miss Anything?: Red Wine.
Movement: Lots of kicks and squirms!
Food cravings: Cheese. Cheese. Cheese and Salt 
and Vinegar chips. ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick: No. Thankfully. 
Have you started to show yet: Yes. 
Gender: A stinky little Matt Jr.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out?: Flattening as we speak.
Wedding rings on or off?: On and loose.
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy! 
Looking forward to: A White Christmas! No work 
for 2 weeks!

Until Next Time,