Friday, September 9, 2011

7 Weeks Down, 33 To Go.

Healthy. Growing. Perfect.
This is our first trip to the Doctor! 
I can not explain to you how beautiful this sound is. 

Our little Peanut.

Right before Matt left for tour, we were lucky enough he was home to go to our first OBGYN appointment! Until this moment, of course I had been excited, but this pregnancy turned in to a reality the second we could physically see and hear our little miracle. 

Through happy tears, we left the Doctor's office, 
patiently counting down the time until appointment #2.

Until Next Time,
M + L Poulos

Friday, September 2, 2011

We Have Been Dying to Tell!...

I am convinced that even the most economically stable, sound minded individual will never be ready for the miracle of their first child. I am confident when I say there is no successful amount of books one can read to prepare themselves for the day their angel comes in to this world. And there is definitely no grand instruction manual that teaches the brand new mom and dad every perfect parenting technique they have spent the last nine months of their life, researching. Somehow, the meshing of ideas and over analyzing information forces the new parent to conjure up some newborn-homecoming utopia... let's chalk it up for what it is.   AN ADDITION TO OUR BEAUTIFUL FAMILY! The details will iron themselves out. 

First Pregnancy Book! Thanks Grandma, Lisa and Grandpa, Keith.

We are 12 Weeks Pregnant; Matt and I are enthralled! 
We have waited so long to spread the news... we can barely hold it in. Yes, we have been dying to tell you since August 18, when Matt and I were taken back with excitement from the positive result of our pregnancy test, taken in a Hy-Vee bathroom in Belton, Missouri.
This is the Hy-Vee!

"No way," you say...
Yes, way. I have been pretending life was continuing as normal. When in reality, I have been exhausted, moody, and SO hungry for the past 12 weeks. The first trimester has been such a blur, as I could barely keep my eyes open for any of it.   

I know some of you will be blown back by this, but the truth is, I am just that good at hiding it. *I do want to clear the air, if you have seen me with a drink in my hand (tailgate, Brenna's Wedding), it was a ploy to lead you to believe things were normal.* No, I have not been drinking with baby on board! What kind of a mother do you think I am?! I do however need to thank Krysta, my mother, Kirsten, and Lurl who have secretly swapped their empty beverage containers for my full glass/bottle, to help keep Baby P. a secret until the time was right.  

Now, the excitement.
Matt is, of course, CONVINCED it is a boy. I am playing the guessing game safe by waiting to find out at 18 weeks, which will be right when he gets home from tour! What a lovely homecoming and Thanksgiving treat! Can you imagine, another "Baby Burns"? Yikes! I will for sure be out numbered then. From others, I have heard "Oh, it is definitely a girl" and "I really think it going to be a boy." There are "test" you can do and "statistics" you can follow that lead you to your unknown gender, and some people say if you have a dream about the baby's gender.... then that is what you are having. Well, I have done the tests (you have to) and I did have a dream... but I can't tell everything! You will just have to wait and see during the magical week of Thanksgiving. Man, now a baby? That is something to be thankful for. 

Our parents and families are so so so excited! This will be the first grandchild for my parents and the fifth for Matt's parents! My sisters will become Aunts and our nieces will have another cousin! So much is changing and there is so much to prepare for but we can not wait for each day's new challenge! Our Due Date is predicted to be April 23, 2012, so we have plenty of time for nesting and mental preparation. Until then, I will humor you with my diet changes, too snug of pants stories and dreams of our little one! 

Until Next Time, 
M + L Poulos