Wednesday, October 26, 2011

14 Weeks!

Okay, okay. Some maternity experts say now is the next chapter between Trimester One and Two, I guess maybe I jumped the gun a little and listened to the others who said thirteen weeks was the last daunting week of the First Trimester.

Here is what the experts are saying:

How your baby's growing:

This week's big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he'll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb.
In other news: Your baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches —about the size of a lemon — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces. His body's growing faster than his head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, his arms will have grown to a length that's in proportion to the rest of his body. (His legs still have some lengthening to do.) He's starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over his body. Your baby's liver starts making bile this week — a sign that it's doing its job right — and his spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Though you can't feel his tiny punches and kicks yet, your little pugilist's hands and feet (which now measure about 1/2 inch long) are more flexible and active.
See what your baby looks like this week.
Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.

How your life's changing:

Welcome to your second trimester! Your energy is likely returning, your breasts may be feeling less tender, and your queasiness may have completely abated by now. If not, hang on — chances are good it will soon be behind you (although an unlucky few will still feel nauseated months from now).
The top of your uterus is a bit above your pubic bone, which may be enough to push your tummy out a tad. Starting to show can be quite a thrill, giving you and your partner visible evidence of the baby you've been waiting for. Take some time to plan, daydream, and enjoy this amazing time. It's normal to worry a bit now and then, but try to focus on taking care of yourself and your baby, and having faith that you're well equipped for what's ahead.

However, I found this hilarious pregnancy website, Alphamom
and I LOVE her pregnancy Calendar!
Here is what she says about 14 Weeks.
Week 14Week
pregnancy calendar
Your Baby:
  • Is about the size of your fist, unless you have giant man-hands or something, so maybe I should just compare it to a peach instead.
  • Has a strong, whoosh-whooshy heartbeat that can usually be found pretty easily now with a doppler. It’s much faster than yours (between 120 – 160 bpm), and sounds vaguely like a washing machine.
  • Has probably started sucking its thumb.
  • Should be noticing a definite decrease in some of the more crap symptoms from the first trimester, although fatigue and nausea do tend to stick around a little longer for some women.
  • Probably aren’t as bothered by breast tenderness anymore, although your boobs will continue to grow in size in the weeks and months ahead. Reassess your bra size periodically and make sure you aren’t mashing the girls into something you’ve outgrown.
  • If this is your first pregnancy, you may FINALLY feel like you’re starting to “show” with a little belly pooch.
  • If this is your second (or third or fourth or etc.) pregnancy, you’ve probably been in maternity clothes or been rubber-banding your pants for a few weeks already, so pffft.                                                 
This lady is great! If you are expecting, or have been through the journey of pregnancy, you will definitely LOVE this calendar.

On another note... 
I feel great! My running is finally coming around and I am no longer feeling like my runs are a part of army boot camp where they do something drastic like tie cement bags to your legs. Still, no morning sickness or dizziness. I have been trying to eat more vegetables but that is the last thing I am wanting! (Thanks Baby) I have the nesting syndrome pretty bad and today, decided to clean behind the stove an refrigerator. My moodiness has gone down a little (Matt would disagree) but everything is epically emotional to me lately. 
Yesterday I went to GAP, as they were having a mega sale, and got SO many comfortable clothes. No, I have not taken the plunge and bought maternity pants yet. However, in order to wear my own jeans, I have to unbutton them and wear a "belly band" to keep them from falling down. I did purchase three pairs of pants, which all had elastic waist bands! haha.

It is still hard to "feel" like I am truly pregnant. I mean, unbuttoning the pants is one thing and the weird cravings is another. It is just unreal to me that there is another human being growing inside of me! And... in only four weeks, we will find out if it is a boy or a girl! What do you think it will be? And what do you think it will look like?! Man, I am so excited to find out and to see the little tutty's face! I even bought that onesie at GAP... just because I couldn't help myself.

I was rummaging around through some old pictures and found these... I think we semi-look a like. I wish I had more pictures of Matt, but these were all I could find. 

Matthew Thomas Poulos

Lauren Christine Poulos

Notice: In most of my pictures, I am either... 
A) Wearing something ridiculous OR B) Pant-less/Wearing a Bathing Suit 
This kid is going to have one hell of a personality!

Now, the Weekly Progress Picture!
How far along?: 14 Weeks & 2 Days
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure, next appointment 
on Monday!
Maternity clothes?: Still wearing the leggings. 
Also: Purchased 3 pairs of elastic 
waist, skinny black pants from GAP
Love wearing long tank tops with cardigans!
Stretch marks?: No
Sleep: Just Okay. Have been having very weird, 
realistic dreams lately! Also, sleeping in the middle 
of the bed. 
Best moment this week: Belly deciding it is out 
to stay! And having more successful runs.
Miss Anything?: My baby daddy.
Movement: None yet! 
Food cravings: New this week: Buffalo Sauce!? 
And of course pasta with melted butter and 
cheese! Lots of OJ.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No sickness, 
just keep fish away!
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out?: In
Wedding rings on or off?: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Um. Who are 
you asking, me or Matt? I would say no. He would say 
"Hell YES."(Poor guy)
Looking forward to:  Having Matt home, holiday 
time: Tampa for Thanksgiving, Christmas in Montana!


Until Next Time, 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

13 Weeks!

Pregnancy is Funny.
You know... 
I really wondered if I was going to be one of those"weird food craving" pregnant women,
who wants things like radishes or jars full of pickles. I'm not. In fact, it has been hard finding things that actually sound good to me. I have been really lucky, as I have not had one bout with morning sickness, but finding a meal that sounds appetizing has been quite the challenge. 

This has been my list of likes and must haves in the fridge:
1. Cheese. So much cheese (Cheddar, Swiss, Parmesan, American). 
I have NEVER eaten so much cheese in my life?
2. Tomatoes and everything including Tomatoes: Spaghetti, Pizza, Lasagna... you name it.
3. Orange Juice
4. Almond Milk
5. Potatoes. You name them, fried, mashed, sweet, baked.
6. Butter
7. Ketchup

The list is weird, I know, and I am not sure why I want so much Italian Food (maybe because this child is also Matt's... which would explain the late night hunger for any chips or junk food I can find). 

It is funny to me how I am in the mood for things I would never go out of my way to eat. 
Example: today, after my successful five mile run, with baby on board of course, I made a quick stop to the neighborhood Publix to grab the essentials (butter, oj, bananas, broccoli, and.... well 1/4 lb. of Buffalo Chicken Wings). Yes, on the way in, Publix Deli must have freshly fried some chicken wings and all I could smell was the frier and fresh, hot Buffalo Chicken Wings. 
Baby P decided we could not leave the store with out a little snack. 

I don' get it... I don't even eat chicken.

Well, I am 13 weeks. 
Finally. I've hit the "Second Trimester." 
On Monday, I woke up not knowing how I was going to feel. 
Triumph? Like a new woman? With the biggest belly, ever?  
Actually, you'll be surprised to know none of those things happened.
I have now acquired a daily, routine headache (from increased hormones) and I am still needing those mid-day naps. Some days I wake up with a baby bump and others I look exactly normal. 
The human body is weird. 

This past weekend, my mother-in-law sent me a box of goodies! 
Inside: a "Baby Einstein" book, an interactive rattle, and this little gem:
What a Sweetie. He still makes this much of a mess when he eats.

I can not wait until we find out if it is a boy or a girl! Can you imagine?!! 
A baby boy, dressed in the most ridiculous little man clothes, ever?
And look at that little tootsie on the couch just being a babe.

And then I found these!
"Cool Guy"

I took some belly pics, through the weekend. 
From these you can see how much it fluctuates!

LEFT: 12 Weeks, Saturday 10/15; RIGHT: 13 Weeks, Monday 10/17

So, for the next 27 weeks, I will be documenting "Baby Bump" as shown below.
I would like to take credit for this idea, but I can't. I saw this on an ADORABLE fellow pregnant woman's blog... and I fell in love. My mother painted the door this weekend so I could decorate it week by week, tracking expanding belly! 
(Thanks Mom, you did a lovely job).

How far along?: 13 Weeks; 3 Days

Total weight gain/loss: 5 lbs. gained.
Maternity clothes?: Only the purchase of ONE pair of 

maternity stretch pants/leggings (which still fall down 
because I don't have a bump big enough yet)
Stretch marks?: No
Sleep: Perfectly fine. Actually karma is biting me in the 
ass. I used to tease Matt for having to pee in the
middle of the night, guess the joke is on me now. 
Sleeping on my stomach has become a little uncomfortable.
Best moment this week: Hitting the 13 week mark!
Miss Anything?: Fall Time Beers (Sam Adams 
Oktoberfest), Brooklyn Lager, and Red Wine!
Movement: None yet! 
Food cravings: SO much Italian food. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells - Garlic 
and Fish. Yuck!
Have you started to show yet: Slightly
Gender: Ah!!! I don't know!! I'm dying over here.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out?: In
Wedding rings on or off?: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Obviously the happiest,
 knowing there's a miracle inside of me. 
But get my sandwich wrong and apparently 
I turn on the bitch switch. 
Looking forward to:  Everything! Gender, Names, 
Nesting, Nursery Decor, Tiny Baby Feet!

One last thing.
Since we're talking about babies... 
Look at how funny and how great of a mom my best friend is?!
She is doing such an awesome job, with her husband, 
raising their four month old, "Jack." 
I am so proud of her and am glad we are going
 through this adventure together!

Until Next Time,

Friday, October 14, 2011

One Small Step at a Time

LOL, Yep
So, I brought my very first pair of "maternity" leggings today. You know, the kind with the giant belly band that comes so high on your torso you can practically tuck it under your out-of-control, ever grown breasts you had no idea you could sport. I figure, hey if Heidi Klum can make these puppies look good, I'll give them a try.

It's weird, though. I can't quite explain it but I still don't "feel" pregnant all of the time. I mean, besides the constant hunger and extreme lethargy I just feel like I am the same 'ol me, thinking this "baby bump" may still just be bloating or the worse kind of "food baby." When I get to go to the OBGYN or do things like buy bigger bras and maternity leggings, it is then I feel like I am growing a human inside of me!

I decided to spruce up the belly bump stretchies with a tribal print cardigan, a gorgeous burnt orange, Fall inspired oversized sweater and a soft, golden mustard infinity scarf from forever 21. They are so comfortable, and of course I was thinking a head... so I bought size Large, planning for the growth of "Baby P."

I am ready for the full on baby bump and round belly, but what can you do? My boss today said, "good thing you let the cat out of the bag, because any longer and people might start questioning how many beers you've been drinking," all while patting my stomach. So... yeah. I guess its getting there?

Next week I will be 13 weeks! The start of the second trimester. I have a plan of keeping track of my growth, so stay tuned. For now, I can not stop dreaming and researching about baby stuff... cribs, strollers, diaper bags, etc. We still have so much to sort out; I am thankful for the amount of time we have until Baby P arrives, I am a research fanatic and want to read the reviews/ratings of everything!

... I am already driving myself crazy, poor Matt (when he gets home from tour).

Until Next Time, 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Let's Tell Funny Stories."

When I was a kid, growing up with two crazy sisters, we had this family tradition where we would tell funny stories at the dinner table. The three of us of course loved it while normally it pissed my mother off, in the end, because the hilarious stories would lead to snorting milk out of our nose and choking on homemade spaghetti from the sudden bursts of laughter. The stories were typical, repetitive stories of classmates or funny names. You know, the juvenile stuff kids think is funny. 

My Sisters (and Matt) now roll their eyes at me when we sit down to a family dinner because it always starts with a prayer/blessing and then my immediate comment, "Okay, let's tell funny stories." Coincidentally, my mother is now the only one who finds it funny when I still bring it up... Oh, to be a mother. 
(Oh wait, I will be!)

Now, I could tell you some of the stories, but I have a feeling they wouldn't be as funny. 
What I can tell you about is my pregnancy stories that as I look back on them now, I think oh man... one day these will be brought up at the dinner table to remind me of how ridiculous I was during these crazy nine months.

Let's start with a Publix Sub.

Lauren Poulos
Hey. Guy at publix. Your job is to hear my sub order and type it in. Aka the easiest job on earth. Get it right.

Maybe you remember this Twitter Post I did last month? I was 7 weeks pregnant and SO SO SO tired all of the time. I was also an eating machine and for whatever reason, a Publix, Boars-head turkey sub sounded good to me (I know, I know... you are not supposed to eat deli meat during pregnancy, and this was the last and only time I did so... well, almost did).  Up to this very early point in my pregnancy I was having the weirdest cravings. All I wanted was potatoes, cheese and ketchup. My love for Mexican food? Out the window; I couldn't even think about eating anything smothered in salsa or guac. Garlic? Gross, the smell still makes me nauseous. Which Matt finds hilarious because our joke was that I over garlic everything I eat. I have not been sick the entire First Trimester, so I feel pretty lucky, however my cravings have been weird... to say the least. Now, for you who know me, I could give two craps about Publix's glorious subs. I know everyone rants and raves about them, but personally I don't see the big deal. I partially blame this on myself because somehow, I have the innate ability to combine the worse sandwich, sub, pizza, etc. toppings possible. I don't know why, but Matt and I can both walk in to a Subway, order the same sub (Veggie Patty on Wheat - different toppings) and mine is disgusting while his is the best sandwich I ever ate?! It blows my mind. In some cases of severe hunger, it has driven me to tears.

Well, this was a different story. 
On this day, that sub sounded like the most gourmet meal imaginable.
Of course, not wanting to ruin my sandwich experience, I turned the reins over to Matt and let him dress the sub, but all I cared about was Maple Glazed Turkey and delicious, bad for you, white sub bread from the Publix Bakery.

Disclaimer: At our Publix, they have this idiotic method of making subs where they don't do it in front of you like standard procedure. They take your order on a touch screen computer, print your ticket, and give it to another employee who was not part of the initial transaction in the first place. You have now lost the option to casually throw out, "Hey, can you add a few more pickles?"
See, its frustrating to begin with.

The dialogue between Matt and Sub Guy:
Matt: "I'd like a footlong turkey sub on wheat"
Me: "Actually, can you make that Boars-head Honey Maple Turkey on White?"
(Looking a Matt for approval, he nods.)
Guy: "Sure"
Matt: "Lettuce, Tomato, bla bla bla"
(Chooses toppings, confidently, while he suggests I get the remainder of our list so we can get home immediately and I can calm my hunger, I agree.)
Guy: "Here you go."
(Hands over sub)

We grab some kettle cooked salt and vinegar chips to balance this well rounded lunch, which I impatiently open in the checkout line and finish in the car, and pull in to our driveway five minutes later.
Starving, I rip open the sandwich I have been dreaming about since 11:00 am (it is now 3:00 pm) and take a giant, expecting to be completely satisfied bite.

It's ham.
Can I just say one thing? I hate, with a burning passion, lunch meat ham. Baked ham, glazed with brown sugar and bourbon, served with some sort of cheesy potatoes during Holiday time? Sure. I'll take seconds, please. But lunch meat ham? It weirds me out. It sticks to my teeth and I am just not into it. Apparently, as a pregnant woman, it enrages me. 

Completely pissed off, I childishly throw my sandwich back in to the bag and while breathing fire, ask Matt if he is satisfied with the wrong type of sub. I was headed back to Publix. Well, of course this hormonal outburst was ridiculous and the thing about Matt and my relationship, he let's me know when I am being neurotic. This episode obviously started a screaming match in the kitchen, in front of Steve, about how idiotic and asinine sandwich making is and how getting the wrong sub is unimaginable, to me. Now enraged, Matt hands me his sub to return and I drive back to Publix, blood boiling. 

I walk in to the sliding doors where "Shopping is suppose to be a pleasure" and calmly tell the sub guy, who is goofing off now, that he got our order wrong. "I asked for Boars-head honey Maple Turkey and this is ham."
"Oh I am sorry," he offered up.
Okay, I am not a confrontational person and I do not like to be down right mean to people, so I stood there quietly, tears welling up in my eyes. Guy hands me back sub and I practically stomp all the way back to the car.

I pull back in to the driveway, go into my house, sit down at my kitchen counter with Matt and Steve and re-open the sub.

He gave me the wrong bread.
Now, is this a big deal? No, not normally; apparently to pregnant Lauren, it is. Immediately, I begin pounding my fists on to our poor kitchen counter and can't keep myself from despising Publix and all of their sub making non-sense. Tears. I am now crying over a sub.

Steve and Matt try to convince me that wheat bread is not a big deal, while I assure them that wheat bread is no longer the point of severe dissatisfaction. I discard my stupid sub back in to the wrapper and throw it in the fridge, over the entire situation and barge out of the kitchen. Into my room and under my covers I maturely cry myself to sleep. Yikes.

Poor Matt. Not knowing whether to be mad at me for refusing to eat anything and nourish our little nugget, or let me sleep off the hormonal rage, left me alone and quietly stepped out. Back to Publix, handling the situation, and waking me up an hour later with a fresh, just how I wanted it in the first place, Publix Sub waiting with my name on it.

I am so lucky to have a supportive husband who will do anything for his crazy wife.

Comment from my sister (who was in her room during this whole episode) a couple days later, "What in the hell were you and Matt yelling about in the kitchen?" Me, "a Publix sub." Her, "You guys are idiots, all I could hear was you repeating 'do you want ham?' and Matt slamming his hands on the counter."
