Monday, March 12, 2012

33 Weeks!

Goodbye Week 33, you will not be missed!
After a long week of work, my back can hardly support my every growing belly.
Each week closer is more and more exciting!
I mean, can you believe it? Matt and I will be parents NEXT MONTH!
I don't know if that's as crazy to you as it is to me, but woah! 
Where did the time go?

Matt and I have been talking about how surreal it is going to feel, 
once we hold Baby P for the first time. 
Carrying him around in this contained baby holder of mine has been great, 
but man are we ready to meet the little guy.

I think he's going to be funny.
It seems to me like he already loves putting on a show, 
with all the kicks and dancing he does in my belly every day.

And... if he's anything like dad, he'll have quite the personality. 
I'm in for the ride of my life.

Poor Matt has been home for a little over a week and all I have wanted to eat are cheese quesadillas from one of our favorite restaurants, El Jalisco's. If you remember, I despised Mexican food in the beginning of my pregnancy. I could not believe it. We used to frequent "El J's" so much, we might as well own stock in the place. The servers know our names and love Matt's "Guadalupe" tattoo.
We. Are. Regulars.
So, you can imagine my disappointment when the thought of sizzling, authentic fajitas made me gag from weeks 1 to 32. Well, hello chips and salsa! I am back in the game... now if I could only wash is all down with a cold, draft, 2-4-1 beer. YUM.

Also, new this week, my obsession with sweeping is at a maximum. Ask Matt, or anyone who knows me well, I am a neat freak. So the "nesting" that comes along with being pregnant has been in full force this entire pregnancy. I have painted furniture in my house, cleaned every square inch, and spray painted most of the frames in my house white?! So weird. The combination of pregnancy + Pinterest
is dangerous. I know I am driving everyone at the house crazy; they are saints for putting up with me. 

Here is the 33rd Week.... 
I am getting big and UNCOMFORTABLE!
My Pregnancy This Week

Hello from BabyCenter!
This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.>> Read more about this week
Your baby at 33 weeks
Picture of your developing baby
Your baby is losing that wrinkled alien look.

      Week 33

pregnancy calendarYour Baby:
  • Weighs over four pounds and is 17 inches long.
  • The skeleton is hardening, except for the skull, which will remain soft and flexible to allow it to fit through the birth canal, and also to grow and allow adequate space for your baby’s enormously brilliant brain.
  • Kicks and movements are practically visible from space now, and you may look down and realize that your belly is no longer round, but pointed, as a knee or elbow stretches out for a few seconds before disappearing beneath the surface again.
  • Are big. Yes. And the whole world may suddenly seem like it’s got an opinion about when you’ll go into labor, and it TOTALLY DOESN’T CARE that you aren’t even full-term yet, it thinks you’ve dropped and popped and are going to give birth in like, two weeks. Tell it to shut the hell up with my blessings.
  • May be waddling more than walking, and misjudging your circumference as you bump into counters and knock things over on tables.
  • A lot of pregnant women start having strange dreams about those pronounced movements — legs and arms stretching out from under your clothes, or the perfect imprint of your baby’s face suddenly appearing next to your belly button. If these dreams creep you out, just remember that it’s your mind starting to wrap itself around the concept that there is, in fact, a actual baby in there rather than some hypothetical concept of a baby.

How far along?: 33 Weeks; 6 Days
Total weight gain/loss: +23 pounds... Still.
Maternity clothes?: Yes... I am so tired of them.
Stretch marks?: No. 
Sleep: Need. More. Of. It. PLEASE.
Best moment this week: Spending all of my free time with the husband.
Miss Anything?: Moving around normally. Lately, I have been bumping in to 
things and usually need a "shove" out of bed. 
Movement: He is going to be an active little man!
Food cravings: Mexican! So weird, right? My entire pregnancy has been spent
trying to avoid it like the plague. This week, if Matt would have let me eat a 
cheese quesadilla and chili relleno from El Jalisco's every night, I would have!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Certain smells: bubble gum and 
Have you started to show yet: Yes. A random stranger called me "Mama."
Gender: A Poulos Monster.
Labor Signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks.
Belly Button in or out?: Out and Proud!
Wedding rings on or off?: On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! But really impatient. I want this 
baby boy to come already! 
Looking forward to: Our family growing.
Still Running?: Yes
Still working?: Yes
How many days this week?: 4 Days!
Total Mileage: 20 Miles!

Until Next Time,

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