Saturday, January 21, 2012

26 Weeks!

I take back what I have been saying.
This is absolutely the first week where pregnancy 
has not been a bowl of peaches. 

I have round ligament pain.
My back hurts.
My groin hurts.
And running?
It's hard.

And I'm ready for a beer.
Really ready.

That is why I have begun the countdown.
In 14 weeks (hopefully) we will be holding a sweet little baby
and I will be walking this weight right off. 

I guess this has been the hardest week for a couple of reasons.
On Monday, Matt and I went to our 26 week OBGYN appointment. 
We met the third and final midwife at the practice and she sprung a laundry list of overwhelming questions on us! 

1. Have you thought about taking a birthing class?
2. Have you chosen a pediatrician?
3. Have you thought about a birth control method, after the baby is born?

Well yes, oh insightful midwife, we have. But geez. Am I running out of time or what? 
I know it is their job to keep us on track but let me tell you, those are all questions that we both really have to think about and thinking about them all at once on a Monday morning was the last thing we wanted to be faced with. 

Annnndd.... I may or may not have gained a few LB's since the holiday season (which I am not surprised about). When we were in Montana I know baby hit one of his major growth spurts. In weeks 22 to 26, baby doubles in weight!
At first, I was absolutely stressing about it. 
Am I hurting the baby?
Did I gain too much weight? 
Is he too big?

Damn. Its so easy to get down on yourself in a situation like this, but I am so lucky to have Matt and amazing friends. Matt, Christina and my friend Lesley assured me everything was fine. 
Aka: They talked the crazy out of me. 

Then to compile the fun, on Wednesday at 6:45 am, I had my blood glucose test. 
If chugging Hi-C Fruit Punch at the crack of dawn is not back enough, add having your blood taken twice by some guy who looks like he's just about to graduate high school. Honestly, the guy looked like he was wearing his dad's lab coat. He walked in and I immediately panicked. I was SO close to asking for the supervisor (or someone over the age of 21). 
So, we'll see at the next appointment if I passed. 
Until then I will watch my sugar intake as to not send babe into a sugar coma.

Lastly, Matt leaves this week.

And, as an "A Type" planner, I can not help but to have all my ducks in a row before he leaves.
- Do we have a birth plan?
- We need to take a tour of the hospital.
- Are we on the same page about labor?
- OMG. This is really going to hurt. Do you think it's going to hurt?
- Do we know infant CPR?
- Are we both familiar of how to change a diaper? A boy's diaper?

Yes. Yes my head is about to explode and so is my poor husband's. 
But I know why you won't be surprised to learn that he has been both amazing and understanding during the pregnancy freak outs. He brings me back down to normality when I have a panic tangent. 
I am so thankful he is my partner. 

Anyways. 26 Weeks. Here it is.

My Pregnancy This Week

Hello from BabyCenter!
The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take two to three days.>> Read more about this week

Your baby at 26 weeks
Picture of your developing baby
Baby fat is building up under your baby's skin.
>> See the big picture: 26 weeks

      Week 26


week by week pregnancyYour Baby:
  • Is almost two pounds. Celebrate this milestone with a two-pound box of chocolates. You know, in order to really get a good VISUAL.
  • Remember those early bubbly butterfly kicks? Yeah. Those have been replaced by something akin to a rabid mongoose flippin’ out inside a burlap sack.
  • If you DO occasionally feel smaller, rhythmic movements in your belly, it’s probably your baby hiccuping. Babies actually get hiccups from late in the first trimester on, but most women don’t pick on them the second trimester or later.
  • All five senses are fully developed. Whoa.
  • Are in the last and final week of the second trimester! (At least according to the books I’ve chosen to listen to — some mark the beginning of the third trimester as week 27, while some make you wait until week 28. Look, we’re all big and lumpy and ridiculously cranky, let’s get this final trimester STARTED.)
  • Of course, the end of the second trimester also marks the end of the so-called “honeymoon” phase of pregnancy, as the final three months can get awfully uncomfortable. Back and joint pain, swollen ankles, restless nights and Braxton-Hicks contractions, ahoy!
  • You’ll gain about 1/2 inch in belly/fundal size EVERY WEEK from this point on, oh mah gah. I guess I should stop being so smug about those pre-pregnancy lowrise jeans I’ve been wearing (with just a little help from my trusty rubber band).
  • The books say we’ve gained about 16-22 pounds, so long as we’ve been following a “nutritious and sensible diet plan.” Bite me, books.

How far along?: 26 Weeks; 5 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 22 pounds... gained total so far! 
And I feel it.
Maternity clothes?: Just one pair of Maternity Jeans and 
my maternity leggings...
Stretch marks?: Nope!
Sleep: Interesting. The peeing once an hour is back. 
I toss and turn all night long.
Best moment this week: Finishing Glucose Test.
Miss Anything?: Running fast. Drinking cold beer at 
5pm after a long day.
Movement: Unbelievably active. 
Food cravings: Grapefruit with Salt... still.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing is too bad.
Have you started to show yet: Ha.
Gender: A Stinky wiener.
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks. 
Belly Button in or out?: Flat!
Wedding rings on or off?: On and loose.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Obviously happy, 
just overwhelmed.
Looking forward to: Being a mommy.

Until Next Time,

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