Monday, January 16, 2012

25 Weeks!

Yay for handy husbands!
Matt and I have been so busy this week! With both of us working and then coming home to work on the nursery at night... we are pooped. Between painting, door installation, crib assembly, clothing organization, mini blind installation and individualized art work, I think we could open a nursery decorating company! 

After we painted, and I mopped the floor about 20 times, we moved an armoire and recliner in the room. Matt then installed the refinished door to make the room a "room." On Thursday the crib arrived and Matt assembled it while I watched and brought the moral support. 
While arranging furniture in a limited space room, I started my hunt for the perfect piece of furniture to act as a changing table. Looking on Craigslist and just about every vintage/thrift store in Tallahassee proved to be pointless. I needed something with the dimensions 30 (L) x 20 (W) to fit in between the recliner and multifunctional armoire and I was failing at the search. Of course I toyed with the idea of buying a changing table online, but I was not satisfied with the look/price of any of the ones out there and the room is simply not big enough for a small dresser to fit. Defeated, Krysta and I tried one more place. 
Secondhand Sandies (on North Monroe) was the last and obviously only place we had not scoured. The place is interesting, to say the least, and finding something good was going to be like finding a diamond in the rough. You definitely have to walk in to Sandie's shop with an open mind and a plan to refurbish whatever it is that you will purchase. Greeted by two feral cats and a stray mutt upon walking into the store, sorting through her collection of history was just the right call. 
We finally found a perfect sewing table that measures 30 x 20 and has cabinet space underneath for diapers, wipes, etc. I was thrilled. For only $30 we walked out proud. I can't wait until Matt and I get to paint and change out the hardware... the piece is perfect. And when I become over ambitious one day, I might buy a sewing machine and use the table appropriately. Maybe.

Door view from the living room; Door view from inside the nursery.

Left corner and rocker of the nursery; Right corner and armoire of the nursery.

Dad gathering crib pieces.
Crib after; Changing table pre up-cycled $30; Vintage Crochet Florida Blossom Blanket $15.

Wall Art.
So Matt and I have been doing our research on Etsy and storing away good ideas, but we are the type of people who can "do that ourselves." So today we went to Jo-Ann's and picked up some supplies to begin the crafting. The large USA print is a gem from Z-Gallerie, which we received as a wedding gift from a good friend and brother of ours. We decided to use this as the focal point for which we could pull colors and what-nots from. When the boy is old enough we will use a marker of some sort on the glass to keep track of where dad is, when he is on the road touring.
The other two are handmade. 
Wall Art. Created by the Mr. and Mrs... Still need one more on the left. 
GORGEOUS USA License Plate Print [Courtesy of Justin Smith]
And of course, we had to incorporate Montana's western beauty somehow.

Oh baby. I feel it. 
I run slow. 
I barrel roll to get out of bed.
And I get heartburn when I think about spicy food. 
My back hurts in the morning.
I bend over like and 88 year old granny.
And I have round ligament pain like it's my freaking job.

Okay. Enough complaining. A beautiful thing is happening inside of me and in 15 weeks Sweet P and I will be gazing into each other's eyes wondering, what the hell do I do now?

My Pregnancy This Week

Hello from BabyCenter!
Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.>> Read more about this week
Your baby at 25 weeks
Picture of your developing baby
Your baby's hair has color and texture.
>> See the big picture: 25 weeks

          Week 25

       Weighs about 1 1/2 pounds and is 13 1/2 inches long.
week by week pregnancyYour Baby:
  • Is growing more hair, with a distinctive color and texture and everything.
  • Have a uterus the size of a soccer ball.
  • Have probably noticed a decent increase in your belly size over the past few weeks — your fundal measurements (the length between your pubic bone and the top of your uterus) grew about an inch-and-a-half in the past four weeks alone.
  • May start experiencing uterine contractions soon, if you haven’t already.

No, I didn't cut my hair. ;)
How far along?: 25 Weeks; 6 Days
Total weight gain/loss: We'll see at the 26 week check-up tomorrow! 
Uh oh.
Maternity clothes?: Just one pair of Maternity Jeans and my maternity 
Stretch marks?: Nope!
Sleep: My lower back is starting to ache every morning, but that is a 
small price to pay if you ask me. 
Best moment this week: Nursery Assembly! Nursery Decor!
Miss Anything?: Running normal. It is going to feel awesome to get 
back in to shape after Baby P is born. 
Movement: MORE THAN EVER! He's so so so active. We are going 
to be in trouble.
Food cravings: Grapefruit with Salt?! I have one every single night. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Fish smell.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Gender: Sweet Baby Boy.
Labor Signs: None this week.
Belly Button in or out?: Flat!
Wedding rings on or off?: On and loose.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Ben Fold's said it first, "That I am, 

the Luckiest."

Looking forward to: Holding our sweet, soft little puddle of baby 
fat in 3 months. Being obsessed with his little hands and feet. 
And of course baby dress up.

I love being pregnant. 
Every time he kicks, I grin. 
Matt thinks it is awesome and so bizarre at the same time
and I feel special that Sweet P and I already have a secret connection.

Until Next Time, 

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